Reducing our Carbon Footprint

We are proud of our daily commitment to the Planet; social, economic and environmental sustainability are the goals we seek to achieve through our mission. Ethics , professional integrity  and responsibility  are qualities that have always belonged to us.

Respect for regulations, care for people, transparency and fairness are fundamental values on which we base our activity and with which we regulate our relations with customers, suppliers, collaborators and - in general - with all the stakeholders that gravitate around the Group.

We are aware that our work is based on people, which is why we make sure that each team member is taken into account and plays his or her role in the company to the best of his or her ability. We believe in our product, which is why we are market leaders and are aware of the importance of resources in the environment: we adopt a working method that favours the recovery of the materials used, giving them a second life.

The 17 Sustainable Development Goals  that make up the 2030 Agenda, signed by the 193 UN member states, are our development horizon and the pillars that make up our vision of sustainability.
With our way of doing business, we particularly want to aim for sustainable industrialisation (SDG No 9) guaranteeing ecological patterns of production and consumption (SDG No 12).

That is why we are investing in infrastructure and technological research to achieve greater resource efficiency and cleaner industrial processes.
At the same time, we envisage productive and economic development within the carrying capacity of ecosystems. This means focusing on low environmental impact management and engaging in efficient use of natural resources, substantially decreasing the amount of waste by optimising recycling and reuse.

Code of Ethics

As a company, we have adopted the Organisation, Management and Control Model (ex Italian Legislative Decree 231/2001), which represents an incentive for every active member of this industry to continue on the path taken, to grow and fulfil the strong sense of responsibility that has always characterised the company and the Group to which it belongs. For this reason, a Code of Ethics has also been drawn up, which clearly defines the set of values that ORV recognises, accepts and shares for the purposes of good functioning and reliability, factors that are decisive assets for the success of the company.